Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's one of those days again. Canberra has had many of those days lately. Slightly cloudy, sometimes windy sometimes calm, chill in the air. The kind that makes you want to snuggle into a blanket with a good book and a hot cup of chai.
I have almost finished reading Exodus by Leon Uris. My review of a book that has broken all records would just be a drop in the vast ocean of appreciation. This book is brilliant! It is flawless in its idea, planning and execution - much like the Jews it talks about. Since reading it I have been up in arms about the injustice meted out to this community and can only be bewildered that the rest of the world all but sat and watched. One of life's greatest mysteries, at least to me, is how, while one human being commits atrocity another can be a silent spectator.
Some might say that it is better to take this book for what it is. A novel written by a Jewish man. So, even if he has wildly exaggerated a fact - the facts still remain. No amount of underplaying or exaggerating can change the horrific treatment of a sect of people - much like the rest of us.
I don't think I have it in me to watch the movie.
Made a resolution of sorts a few weeks ago - to buy books only from the 2nd hand store for this year. The logic being that one less book bought somehow amounts to one less book published which means one less tree cut.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I read the Exodus years ago on the recommendation of a friend. And I loved it too. The characters were so alive with the passion they had in them, it was surreal. Years later, I stumbled across the movie in a video store, and watched it, but the movie couldnt capture the life that the book had...In my opinion, one of the best books I have ever read

Amrita said...

Hehe, you know I remember you reading exodus - while at school, on the bus :-D, and I remember you recommending it to me back then.