Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The haul - updated 5.02 pm

I'm halfway through the birthday (as of midday today) and the haul thus far includes two more Famous Five's, a Billabong woollen golf cap, a Benetton wallet and a beautiful cable-knit sweater dress! But more importantly it includes lots and lots of wishes from all over the world! *signs off grinning like the Chesire cat* - add to that a grey knit billabong scarf, 3 cards, gift vouchers and a beautiful bouquet of roses from the sister and bro-in-law!


'Tis a beautiful life! said...

u didnt get mine yet :(

Amrita said...

No hon, but I know its coming and Im sure I'll love it!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Bro-in-law???!! When did that happen??

'Tis a beautiful life! said...

i'm guessing bro-in-law refers to cousin and ms G hasn't actually eloped ;)